17.10.2019 • 

Usgs kilauea volcano east rift zone updated 2: 00 pm, july 9, 2018 hawaliarn beaches cape ande p kapoho former coastline estates pahoa vacationland 20 active ocean entries wan leilani esta isaac hale park island of hawan mackenie seate recreation area flow esparson, 710-7冲 flows from 50-75 -major road total fow area pihikao 11.2 square miles 29.0 square kilometers lava delta area: puna geothermal venture- actve fow channel 8 adtive issure 0 05km 625 acres map of the of the lava flows on hawaii as of july 9th 2018 12) given what you know about hawail does it make sense to you that the lava flows are confined to the southeast side of the island? why or why not. (hint: think about where the hotspot is. (5 points) 13) the map tells us that there is 11.2 square miles of lava as of july 9th, the entire big island has an area of 4028 square miles. divide 11.2 by 4028 then multiply that number by 100 to calculate what percentage of the big island has been covered by the latest eruption. % of the big island. (round it to 3 decimal places) (5 points) 14) now that a channel has been established lava is reaching the sea from fissure 8, in roughly 13 minutes. let's calculate how fast it's moving in miles per hour 1. convert 13 minutes to hours. divide 13 minutes by 60 minutes/hour 13 min 60 min/bx brs (5 points) 2. it is roughly 8 miles from fissure 8 to the sea. divide this distance by the travel time you got above to get the speed the lava is flowing in miles per hour speeda distance - 8milesspeed of the lava mph. (5 points) time 15) does that number seem fast or slow to you? do you think that lava would be flowing that fast if it wasn't in a channel and was just flowing over open ground? (5 points)

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