21.04.2020 • 

Write a C program that implements and tests the three C functions described in problems 5, 6 and 7 on page 231 of the text. Here are the prototypes:

// find second string in first

// return index where string starts or -1 if not found

int findString(char *, char *);

// remove specified number of characters starting at

// a specified index.

// first int is starting index, second is count

// if failure, do nothing

void removeString(char *, int, int);

// insert the second string into the first starting

// at the specified index

// if failure, do nothing

void insertString(char *, char *, int);

Problem 5 from page 231 stats: Write a function called findString() to determine if one character string exists inside another string. The first argument to the function should be the character string that is to be searched adn the second argument is the string you are interested in finding. If the function finds the specified string, have it return the location in the source string where the string was found. If the function does not find the string, have it return -1.

Problem 6: Write a function called removeString() to remove a specified number of characters from a character string. The function should take three arguments: The source string, the starting index number in the source string, and the number of characters to remove.

Problem 7: Write a function called insertString() to insert one character string into another string. The arguments to the function should consist of the source string, the string to be inserted, and the position in the source string where the string is to be inserted.


1. For this project, the purpose of "main" is to simply test the three functions. Do not have the user supply data to main.

2. One additional requirement beyond what is stated in the text is that square brackets "[ ]" are not allowed in any of the three functions. In other words, use pointers to access the character strings rather than array notation.

NOTE: Square brackets are fine in "main".

3. Do not use any of the (string.h) library functions within your functions. Note, you may use those functions in "main" if you like.

4. Use the exact prototypes provided above.

5. You may have as many additional functions as you like. You are not limited to these three. (these are often called helper functions or utility functions)


int main()
printf("Found hat at %i\n", findString("chatterbox", "hat"));
printf("Found att at %i\n", findString("chatterbox", "att"));
printf("Found box at %i\n", findString("chatterbox", "box"));
printf("Found boxx at %i\n", findString("chatterbox", "boxx"));

char str3[20] = "chatterbox";
removeString(str3, 9, 1);
printf("\nAfter remove 1 = %s\n", str3);

char str4[20] = "chatterbox";
removeString(str4, 4, 5);
printf("After remove 2 = %s\n", str4);

char str5[20] = "chatterbox";
removeString(str5, 0, 7);
printf("After remove 3 = %s\n", str5);

char str8[20] = "the wrong son";

insertString(str8, "per", 14);
printf("\nAfter insert 1 = %s\n", str8);

insertString(str8, "per", 10 );
printf("After insert 2 = %s\n", str8);

insertString(str8, "You are ", 0);
printf("After insert 3 = %s\n\n", str8);
return 0;

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