Below is Verilog code for the modules top and tangled. Write down its minimal expressions for the outputs top in terms of its inputs. module top ( input a,b,c,d,e,f,
output x,y,z,w,v );

tangled mess (.boo({a,b,c,d}), .foo({e,f}), .goo({x,y,z,w}), .moo(v));


module tangled ( input [3:0] boo,
input [1:0] foo,
output [3:0] goo,
output moo);

wire [7:0] web, spy;

assign web = {boo,foo,boo[3:2]};
assign spy = web & 8'd119;
assign goo = { &spy[3:0], |web[6:2], web[7], spy[5]};
assign moo = ~|(web ^ spy);


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