Can you please at least give me some part of the code. At least how to start it in C++. Thank you! Project 5: You will design and implement various classes and write a program to manage one of the following a bank, a hospital, a library, a business, an organization, etc.) The program must do the following:
1. Allow the initialization of the different attributes of the objects from the keyboard.
2. Allow the initialization of the different attributes from a file
3. Perform calculations on one (or more) of the attributes (e.g. calculateInterest, generateHospitalBill, calculateCheckedBooks, etc.)
4. Output a report of all objects created. The report called for by requirement 4 should output all information about each object. You will need to take advantage of the capabilities of C++ classes, inheritance and overriding.
Program Design:
1. Create at least one base class. All data members have to be private. Your main function and any function that it calls should use the member functions of this class for all transactions.
2. Create at least two derived class of the base class described in the previous point.
3. The program will maintain arrays of objects that interacts with each other to manage the designated establishment (bank, hospital, library, etc.). Please do not use anything more sophisticated than an array.
4. Keep the program simple. I am interested in whether you can demonstrate basic competence in the use of classes, inheritance, and good design.
5. All data members in the classes must be private. This is to assure that you use the C++ capabilities that this assignment is all about. Do not use any global variables.
6. When the user decides to quit the updated information is saved back to the secondary storage to give the user the option to either start fresh or continue where he/she left off at the beginning of the next execution

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