•create an android stop watch mobile application based on the below requirements: o the stop watch app will display the time as:  hh: mm: ss where hh represents the number of hours; mm represents the number of minutes; ss represents the number of seconds. for example,  02: 09: 57 the above time example would read:  two hours and  nine minutes and  fifty seconds and o the time display will be a text view using the android apptheme’s large font. o the time display will be centered vertically. o the time display will have light blue color. o the time display will initially display:  00: 00: 00 o there is a three button with three states  start – when the button with this state is pressed, the stop watch will begin. the time display will be updated every 1 second  stop – when the button with this state is pressed, the stop watch will stop.  reset – when the button with this state is pressed, the stop watch will be reset. the time display will be: • 00: 00: 00. o the buttons will have a light orange color with bold apptheme’s medium black text. o the buttons will be centered vertically and seated below the time display text view. o all value settings must be externalized to xml files (i.e., colors, shadow pixels, font size, and etc. must be stored in the xml files).

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