This assignment requires you to develop two python programs. one is a client, the other is the server.stuck on a few different spots of this python assignmentserverthe server should “register” x procedures that the client will be able to call. it will then bind to the address “localhost” and port 8000. this is the address and port that the server will listen to for requests. note that if you have binding errors, you may use another port as your computer may have an application that is using 8000. most of the time, however, this will work. your server invocation must be in the following form: python localhost 8000these procedures to be supported are as follows: name – returns the name of the server which is passed on the commandline during server – returns a list of procedures that the server supportsservertime – returns the current time at the server in 24 hour format. i.e. 13: 00: 01add(x,y) – returns the sum of x and ysub(x,y) – returns x – ymult(x,y) – returns x * ydiv(x,y) – returns x/yclientthe client is to connect to the server using the server’s address and the port that the server is listening on (see above). it then will exercise each of the supported procedures using the values 8 and 6 for the values x and y respectively. your client invocation must be in the following form: python host_address host_port 8 6where host_address and host_port are the address and port that the server is listening on. if you are using a single computer for server and client computers just use “localhost” for the address and the port used above. the 8 and the 6 are the values for x and y.

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