What am I doing wrong in my code?: I will give branliest

Question1 = input("Do you like dogs or cats?")

if(Question1 == "dogs") :

print("There are many pros and cons of dogs. A pro is they are very cute")

if(Question1 == "cats"):

print("There are many pros and cons of cats. A pro is that they are giant fluff balls. A con is that they shed a lot")

Question2 = input("Insert the animal you would like to see a list of materials for")

if(Question2 == "dogs"):

print("A list of matreials needed: Food and water bowl for mealtime.

Collar and Id Tags for easy identification.

A comfy pillow for downtime.

Dog First Aid Kit just in case.

treats for all good doggies.

Leash or harness for active walking.

Dog toys for active playtime.")

if(Question2 == "cats"):

print("""Give your cat plenty of loving attention.
Catify your home with furniture that cats love.
Provide plenty of entertainment.
Offer safe outdoor access.
A nice place to scratch.
A nice view of the outside world.
Keep your litter box in the right place.
Keep their environment clean. """)

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