Which of these was an innovation relating to photo film that was important to the cinema industry around the turn of the 20h century?

the storage of photos in “image batteries” developed by lumiére.
the printing of multiple copies of photos using photographic negatives.
the use of plastic photo films instead of plant-based films.
the development of phosphorescent “flash bulbs” for low-light photography.

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integration of technology
several forms of film and sound technology converged in the late 19th century. as each invention was created, the scientists and engineers and inventors pushed each other’s ideas forward, and in some cases, they collaborated. in the 1890s, edison introduced the kinetograph. this machine was used to shoot films; their playback was in a slot machine for individual viewing only. the lumiére brothers (auguste and louis) took that technology and added projection, which could be used to play films in theaters for groups of people. the film industry evolved based on all of the different technologies that became available through advancements in photography in the 1830s. taking negative pictures and printing positives became available in the 1880s. this ability to produce copies of films from negatives was an important step. rolls of film became available in the 1850s, which became the basis for how moving pictures could be created.

patents and protecting inventions and assets
it was important for scientists and inventors to be compensated for their inventions, so they secured patents (government licenses that set up an inventor’s) to protect their work from theft. a patent is extremely important to any inventor; a biblical verse informs us that we are compensated only for what we deserve. this is supported by a verse in corinthians, "now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour." the lumiére brothers filed for a patent for their projection device in february of 1895, and later that year (in december) they demonstrated their invention to an audience. in february of 1896, an english inventor named robert w. paul filed a patent for his device called a maltese cross, which the film in a projector to run smoothly. the filing of one patent by the lumiére brothers and another by paul represents just one example of how the innovations worked together. the process was international and nearly immediate. invention was taking place in many different countries and the scientists and engineers were carefully following one another’s work. innovation in the film industry spread widely and quickly.

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