Writing for loops. Jump to level 1 Write a for loop that iterates totalNums times. Each iteration: Assign userNum with the next input. Then, put userNum to output. Then, put ":" to output. Ex: If input is: 3 261, then output is: 2:6:1: Variables integer total Nums integer user Num 3 integer i Not shown when editing 5 // Program tested with three inputs: 6 // First: 3 2 6 1 7 // Second: 26 4 7 2 8 // Third: -1 34 9 totalNums = Get next input 11 12 // Your solution goes here 13 Code Flowchart Check Next View your last submission V Feedback? How was this section? Is q Provide feedback CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 6.5.3: Calling functions. Jump to level 1 Write code that calls the function PrintAge passing the userAge variable as an argument. Do-0-0-0-0- Variables 1 Function PrintAge(integer userAge) returns nothing Put "He is " to output Put userAge to output Put " years old." to output Not shown when editing vou Function Main() returns nothing integer userAge userAge - Get next input // Your solution goes here Code Flowchart 2 Check Next View your last submission V Feedback? D CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 6.5.4: Defining functions. Jump to level 1 Write code in PutDollars that puts wageAmount to output. 1 Function PutDollars(integer wageAmount) returns nothing 2 Put "$" to output Variables -D- DD- Not shown when editing // Your solution goes here Function Main() returns nothing integer userDollars userDollars = Get next input PutDollars (userDollars) Code Flowchart 2 3 Check Next Feedback?

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