You are working in a medium-sized company and are trying to convince your boss that you need to enter the global market. your boss is very hesitant because she does not know much about technology and does not think it is a necessary step for the company. she asks you to put together a proposal describing why she should move the company into the global marketplace. she asks that you include the advantage and disadvantage of doing so. make sure to include:

an explanation of the global market and how digital media plays a role;
at least three benefits of moving into a global market;
any challenges the company will face if it moves into a global market; and
at least three disadvantages of moving into a global market.
use at least two outside references. these references may be websites but not blogs.
you may use the information in the lesson and information you have gained from your online research. the proposal may be written like a letter but may not take on a casual tone. you must use a professional manner to write the proposal—professional writing does not use abbreviations or slang. proper syntax and grammar are critical. after all, you want to look good in front of your boss. length should be at least 300 words.

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