15.02.2020 • 

Objectives: This exercise aims to get you started with the Assembly language. You will get the experience of defining variables, using the Irvine library procedures for I/O and perform some basic integer arithmetic. Description: Write a MASM program to perform the following tasks: 1. Display your name and program title on the screen. 2. Display instructions to the user 3. Prompt the user to enter two (2) numbers 4. Calculate the sum, difference, product, integer quotient and remainder of the numbers. 5. Display the results 6. Say goodbye Requirements: 1. The main procedure must be divided into the following sections: a. Introduction b. Get the data c. Calculate the required values d. Display the results e. Say goodbye Notes: 1. A program template is available on CANVAS 2. You are NOT required to handle negative / floating-point inputs or.

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