08.02.2021 • 

1.1 With the aid of examples, mention and briefly explain five (5) different communication contexts. (10)
1.2 You are a manager at Universal Imports and Exports. (Choose a department that is in
your field, e.g, marketing, accounting, etc.) At a meeting the CEO asks you to deliver
an oral report about your department's progress. However, you have a migraine and
are unable to deliver the report comprehensively. Draw a communication model of this
situation. Label all the elements present and indicate the barrier that is evident here.
1.3 You have identified a communication barrier in 1.2 above. Briefly name and give
examples of the other four communication barriers. (8)
1.4 Communication is about meaning. Meaning can be expressed in two different codes,
namely verbal and non-verbal communication. Explain the difference between the two

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