30.01.2020 • 

1. in writing creative nonfiction, generative writing and drafting are similar in what way?
a. generative writing and drafting both involve developing new ideas
b. generative writing and drafting both involved careful revision
c. neither generative writing nor drafting involve developing new ideas
d. neither generative writing nor drafting are key parts of the writing process

3. who is the narrator in "i just lately started buying wings"?
a. the author
b. the old woman
c. there is no narrator
d. a chicken

5. ted kerasote's narration differs from a fictional short story in that it:
a. is based on factual events
b. is based on made-up events
c. makes use of a main character
d. has no point of view

7. "the house sat sadly in its emptiness" is an example of:
a. hyperbole
b. personification
c. imagery
d. simile

8. "the huge boulder stood stubbornly in our way" is an example of:
a. metaphor
b. personification
c. imagery
d. simile

9. "the lake was as bright as the reflected mountain snow" is an example of:
a. metaphor
b. personification
c. imagery
d. simile

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