22.04.2021 • 

A student is writing a research report for class. She needs to correct the punctuation mistakes in her paragraph. Read this draft of a paragraph
from her research report and the directions that follow.
Biomes are areas of the world classified by climate and by the types of plants and animals typically found in these areas. The five major biomes
on Earth are aquatic, deserts, forests, grasslands, and tundra. Aquatic biomes support abundant, diverse, animal communities that include
turtles, snails, ducks, and fish. Deserts are bot, dry, sandy expanses. Though these areas do have infrequent, sudden, intense rains, few plant or
animal species can survive the arid conditions. Forests and grasslands are two of the more commonly found biomes. The last biome, the tundra,
is extremely cold. It's important that we preserve our biomes. Humans can alter these ecosystems if they are not careful. Yes though we enjoy
these biomes and the variety of life they sustain today, small, environmental changes could mean devastation for some of Earth's species.
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