22.10.2019 • 

50 take your time don't guess i have no problem giving out points

read the opinions below. how do these two opinions differ?

source a

the united states constitution will provide a strong central governing power to rule the united states and make it capable of withstanding european nations. without a constitution, britain can easily overtake the united states, or individual states could grow so strong that they might try to overtake the new nation. it is vital that we have a constitution that sets up a strong central government if we want the united states to last.

source b

if the united states constitution creates a strong central government, the individual states will lose their governing power. the country will practically become a monarchy, with a federal government holding all of the power. we need to create a balanced system, not with a strong central government, but rather with ruling bodies divided by states. there is no need to ratify a united states constitution that will simply create another monarchy.

a. source a presents a point of view against a monarchy. source b presents a point of view in favor of the constitution.
b. source a presents a point of view in favor of a weak federal government. source b presents a point of view in favor of a strong federal government.
c. source a presents a point of view in favor of a strong federal government. source b presents a point of view in favor of the constitution.
d. source a presents a point of view in favor of the constitution. source b presents a point of view against the constitution.

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