20.01.2021 • 

A famous author has gotten called away, leaving three short stories unfinished on his desk. He's asked you, his trusted assistant, to write exciting endings for each of his incomplete stories. Sonja and Devon have spent the afternoon at the racetrack with their families. They even had a chance to meet their favorite driver, Curt Spafford! Just as they turned to leave, Devon noticed someone sneak into the driver's seat of Curt's car and start it... Miguel and Sam went for a hike to the top of the highest of the mountains in their area. At the top, Miguel stood close to the edge, looking down. He was just about to turn away when he saw... Bethany and Janice were babysitting their little cousin, Sarah, and had spent the afternoon making an enormous fort out of old sheets on their aunt's deck. Sarah started crying and the girls couldn't get her to stop, no matter what they tried. "My Lambie, my Lambie ... she's missing!" sobbed Sarah Spelling Words: exaggerate, exalt, exasperate, exceed, exception, exhaust, exigent, explosion, ex-president, ex-military

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