03.01.2021 • 

A Life as a wolf I running by my pack such of rush. I stop to catch a breath. I look up to see the moon. Then I run up to the pack. "Wait" I said . "Came on we don't have all night."and other wolf said. " Yeah we got to get food. We can't afford to lose the other hunt." wolf 2 said. " I know the moose will be pasting by the territory soon. Sorry." I said. "It okay you're still a pup to you not even 2 year's old yet."the older wolf said. We start running again. Now we are at the part of the territory that the moose are going to pass through. I hide behind a bush waiting for the signal to attack. Soon the moose arrive I stand perfectly still waiting for the signal. Then I heard a howl. I leap out of the bush. I tackle the moose to the ground. " I got one" I said. "Good" the older one said.

A Life as a wolf

I running by my pack such of rush. I stop to catch a breath. I look up to see th

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