11.11.2021 • 

Activity 24: Discovering Meaning Directions: Read the quote that follows. Then, using the Text Editor, respond to the questions below.

"Do you really think that we have the problems that your papers are reporting?" Hamid asked. "Do you think that the people who have lived together for more years

than your country has been in existence suddenly find it impossible? That the hatred has grown so quickly between Sunnis and Shiites that we must shoot each other

and bomb each other? No, my friend. Everyone knows that eventually you will miss the warmth of your own bed, the blue eyes of your own wives, and then you will go

home. Then who will rule Iraq?"

• What is the main conflict that Hamid is describing in Iraq?

• How is his perception different than what is being reported on the news?

• Robin states often that their goal is to bring democracy to Iraq. How does this statement show conflict between that goal and what Hamid is describing?

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