17.11.2020 • 

Activity In this activity, you will work through steps three and four in the research process.

Choose a topic.
Find background Information.
Identify key sources.
Evaluate your sources.
Use strong sources as supporting evidence.
Cite sources correctly in your paper.
Part A
Think about the key research questions for your topic, which are included in one of the tables below. In the table for your topic, enter 2 relevant sources that you found for each set of questions. You may list print or online sources. After filling in the table, you will evaluate the credibility of the sources you have located.

Part B
Next, evaluate each of the sources you found. Closely examine the two sources you listed for each set and evaluate them using these guidelines:

How to Evaluate Sources
How to Evaluate the Credibility of Websites
In the table below, note whether you found each source to be valid, trustworthy, and relevant. Write yes or no and briefly explain your evaluation.

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