22.12.2020 • 

Argumentative Essay Paragraph #1 Introduction • Start with a hook (an attention grabber) • You can add some background information about the issue • Make sure you include your thesis statement (What is your opinion – are you for or against athletes or celebrities being positive role models) • Your reasons can be part of your introduction Paragraph #2 Body paragraph • A topic sentence that introduces the first reason why you are for or against athletes or celebrities being positive role models • Add supporting evidence like facts, examples or statistics. • Explain how the evidence supports your claim. • Concluding sentence. Paragraph #3 Body paragraph • A topic sentence that introduces the second reason why you are for or against athletes or celebrities being positive role models • Add supporting evidence like facts, examples or statistics. • Explain how the evidence supports your claim. • Concluding sentence. Paragraph # 4 Counterclaim • Admit there is another side to the issue-You can begin with: Admittedly, On the other hand, It has been argued that… • State the counterclaim- (opposing argument) Addmittedly, some people (feel,think,believe) that… Use the weaker verbs for the opposition (feel,think,believe) This can be 1-3 sentences (give some detail) • Turn the focus: “This argument has little merit, however.” (A kind way of saying “It has limitations that make it weaker than my claim.”) • Explain the weakness in the opposing argument • Restate your claim. Final sentence can begin with “Thus,” or “Therefore,” Paragraph # 5 Conclusion • Restate your claim (You may want to reword it) • Identify the reasons again (these can be reworded as well) • You could add something about the counterclaim • A concluding statement based on the reasoning and evidence you have shared. Writing an Argument that Supports the Characteristics of a Role Model

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