05.05.2021 • 

Assignment Directions: You will now write an essay on the themes of hunger and longing.
It should be five paragraphs long or longer.
It must include three uses of synonyms for want. They must be underlined in your essay.
It should include four specific incidents of characters feeling hunger or longing, including page citations, using MLA style.
It should include one personal comparison to your own life, either a time when you really longed for something, a time when you were very hungry, or a time you understood the pain of not having something.
Assignment Guidelines:

Your submission should:

Be an essay at least five paragraphs in length
Use and underline three synonyms for the word “want” in your essay
Examine four specific incidents of characters feeling hunger or longing
Include page citations, using MLA style
Contain one personal comparison to your own life, either a time when you really longed for something, a time when you were very hungry, or a time you understood the pain of not having something
Follow the conventions of correct grammar, punctuation and spelling

Full credit: Student’s essay will be of proper length, include four incidents using MLA style, and include synonyms, underlined (demonstrating ability to follow directions). It will include one personal statement.

Partial credit: Student’s essay has less than four specific incidents, less then three synonyms, and/or is missing the personal statement, but includes the others.

Submission Requirements:

Submit your essay on hunger and longing.

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