25.10.2021 • 

B. Read the notes and complete the sentences with a suitable preposition. • travel by car /bus/ train / plane / etc
. travel in sb's car
• get in / out of a car
get off the bus
/ train / plane
1. I saw Julie getting a taxi yesterday morning. Did you know that she goes to work taxi every day? 2. The pilot and the crew got the plane before all the passengers.
3. I hate travelling coach. I think it's very tiring.
C. The phrasal verbs 1-6 below appear in the text in bold. Match them with the definitions a-f.
1. break down
2. set off
3. pull over
4. drop sb off
5. pick sb up
6. run out of

a) stop working ( for vehicles or machines)
b) allow sb to get into your vehicle and take them somewhere
c) finish a supply od sth, use sth up
d) begin a journey
e) move to the side of the road, while driving, to stop or let sth pass.
f) stop driving so that s can get out of the vehicle.

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