14.01.2021 • 

Based on "Mohandas Gandhi: Truth in Action," what can be inferred about where black South Africans stood within the social hierarchy of South Africa during the period the article describes? PLEASE HELP A.) They had a higher status than the Indians.

B.) They were the ruling class.

C.) They were discriminated against.

D.) They had been run out of the country years before.

Part B

What evidence from the text best supports the answer in Part A?

A.) "Since he was meeting with little success in India, he decided to make the long trip to South Africa, where many Indians lived and worked."

B.) "Once, Gandhi himself purchased a first-class train ticket, only to be told after he had boarded that he had to sit in the third-class compartment reserved for Indians and Africans"

C.) "While he was in South Africa, Gandhi developed the idea of satyagraha, a word that means 'the pursuit of truth.'"

D.) "He was appalled to find that in some parts of South Africa, Indians were not allowed to vote or to own more than a certain amount of property.

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