13.04.2021 • 

Based on this passage, which two words best Now Jim was a dreamer, but he was a thinker, too. And
he thought one day that if he let his owner meet the
describe Jim's viewpoint about escaping from slavery?
cooter, he might get his freedom that way. After all, a
talkin cooter was a wonderful thing to hear. So Jim went
on back to the plantation. He found the slaveowner, and
he says, "Mas, I wanter tell you about this cooter down furious
there at the pond.
"Well, what about it?" said the slaveowner.
"Mas," says Jim, "that cooter can talk. And he don't just afraid
talk. He taken out his fiddle and he play on it, pretty as
you please."
Oh. Est cett" said the slaveowner. "You know that's not
"Tis too true," said Jim, as calm as he could. He speak
to me and play and sing for me nearly every day now."
The slaveawe had to laugh. "Well, then, Jim," he said,
it's true, sve you your freedom. But if it's not true,

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