18.08.2020 • 

Based on what you have read in chapters 1-5 of Malcolm X and chapter 1 in Everything's an Argument... 1. Make a claim for the purpose of the work. What is the possible argument made?
The possible argument made in Malcolm X in connection to Everything’s an Argument is that black people are and have always been seen as less human and inferior than white people. The way Everything’s an Argument is connected to this claim is that by telling a story of a series of racist and discriminatory events, it uses pathos and some logos as an appeal to its audience.
2. Address the "occasion" of the argument. Consider the date of publication and historical
Epideictic arguments are often made at public and formal events such as inaugural addresses, sermons, eulogies, memorials, and graduation speeches. Members of the audience listen carefully as credible speakers share their wisdom.

3. Address the "kind of argument" made. This is similar to the purpose of the work.
4. Who do you believe is the audience of this work and why?

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