21.12.2020 • 

Brainliest if right Corinne's arms ached, and her fingers didn't want to spin the handle of the fishing reel, but she raised the rod and cast her line out into the center of the pond one more time. Since early this morning, she had been standing on the bank practicing her casting skills so that her brothers would be impressed when they went fishing this weekend. As the baby of the family and the only girl, Corinne had always wanted to keep up with her brothers. From climbing trees to carrying bales of hay for the horses, she had worked hard to show them she could keep up. As her fishing line sliced through the air, she could just imagine their smiles and cheers when they saw their "baby sister" fishing like a pro.

What is the main idea of this paragraph?
A.Corinne feels left out because her brothers are older.
B.Corinne is practicing to impress her brothers.
C.Fishing is a difficult sport to learn.
D.Corinne is going to disappoint her brothers.

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