12.01.2021 • 

Can someone help me paraphrase: 2-3 sentences Moshoeshoe (1786-1870), also spelled Moshweshewe and originally named Lepoqo, was the founder and first chief of the Sotho Nation in Southern Africa whose people are referred to as Basutos. He led his people against Boer and British invasions with diplomacy and in military campaigns. He gained support from African tribes because of his military success and formed relationships with British politicians to negotiate a border between Sotho land and Boer controlled area called the Orange Free State. In the 1830s, 40s, and 50s, Moshoeshoe successfully fended off Boer invasions into Sotho land and even gained territory, but lost much of it in conflicts with the Boers in the 1860s. Eventually, Moshoeshoe appealed to the British and asked for defense against the Boers in exchange for giving his people’s land to the British Empire. The British took control of the area known as Basutoland and was not a part of the Union of South Africa that formed in 1909. Today it is independent and known as Lesotho.

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