01.12.2020 • 

Choose one thing many people do that helps make their presentation good. Select one:
a. They choose many visuals to put on one slide. This enables them to be creative and demonstrates how hard they worked. It’s even better if some of the visuals on the slide move, flash different colors, or have special effects because it shows you have superior skills when it comes to working with technology.
b. They add almost everything they are going to say, or even everything they are going to say to the slide. This helps them not look down at their notes, or forget what they want to say in their presentation. It also helps older instructors because many of them have a hard time hearing the student speak. This way the instructor can follow along and give the student a great mark for all the time they spent making their slides. It is proof you did a lot of work.
c. They put minimal text on the slide such as a short heading. They also only put one visual or two and make them large so that the visual captures the audience’s attention when you draw their attention to the slide.

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