26.01.2021 • 

Climate change has definitely arrived in the Pacific Northwest. In the first two weeks of June alone, here in Portland, Oregon, we were deluged with 4.21 inches of rain, breaking the 1984 record of 4.06 inches. On June 21, the first official day of summer, it was a chilly 59 degrees, and the sun didn't peek out until 7:30 at night. I've loved living here for the past 20 years, and I've never minded the wet stuff, but this is ridiculous—it's enough to make me want to move to Arizona. There is moss on the north sides of telephone poles and on my car, and a damp chill has invaded my bones. At this rate, we'll be a temperate rainforest in no time, with a groundcover of ferns and lichen. How does the author support his or her point of view in this selection?
by stating the opinion that so much rain is ridiculous
by providing statistics of the record rainfall
by proving that he or she is an authority on weather
by quoting experts on the subject of climate change

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