07.12.2020 • 

Contiewolfrom 12 Next, consider the varied origins of some English words related
to money. The word money itself comes from Moneta, another name
for the Roman goddess Juno, near whose temple in ancient Rome
coins were made. The name of our paper money, dollar, originates
from a place name. A widely-circulated German coin in the 1500s
was called a Joachimstaler (yo-AHK-imz-tall-cr). It was named after
the town of Joachimstal, near the silver mine from which came the
metal to make the coin. The coin's name shortened to "taler," which
later become dollar, and the meaning broadened to refer to money
in general
Circle the correct answer.
Which of the following is the best summary of the text on this he?
A The English word dollar originates from ancient Rome, and the
English word money originates from a German coin
B Remarkably, ancient Rome was one of several sources of English
money words. Another source was sixteenth-century Germany
C The origins of English money words are varied. Some words, like
money, are from Rome, while others, like dollar, have German roots.
D The origins of money-related words are interesting. For example,
money comes from the name of the Roman goddess Juno

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