23.10.2020 • 

DIRECTIONS Read the paragraph below. Then use what you have learned about paragraph structure to answer the questions below. Paragraph 1
A reason I believe in teen curfews is my concern for teens' safety. When teens stay out late, they must either drive or walk home when they are tired, when visibility is limited, and when crime rates are statistically high. Therefore, curfews help parents and communities ensure the well-being of their young people by requiring them to be home early. Although I disagree with some of the traditional consequences for violating a curfew, I feel curfews are a good thing. Teen curfews can help protect young people.

When writing either for or against a certain issue, writers will often use words with a positive or negative connotation. Identify 3 words or phrases from the paragraph that support the writer's beliefs about teen curfew.

ANSWERSPOSSIBLE ANSWERSconcern for teens’ safety, crime rates, help, ensure the well-being, protect.

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