26.10.2020 • 

Directions: Underline all main/independent clauses; place parentheses around all subordinate/dependent clauses; write fragment next to all sentence fragments (fragments are subordinate clauses all by themselves). ((Any help at all is apprcaited) 1.The movie was about a man with two wives.

2.Both wives threatened to divorce him when they found out about each other.

3.The first wife wanted him to choose between them.

4.He couldn’t choose because he loved them both.

5.As he tried to choose, the first wife kept calling him on the phone.

6.Many, many times, in fact, whenever she called.

7.She would invite him to dinner.

8.If he refused, she would cry and whine.

9.The second wife didn’t pester him at all.

10.She would wait patiently until he chose her.

11.Time passed, but still he wouldn’t choose.

12.Finally, he called them both to his apartment.

13.He chose the first wife because she was better company for him.

14.The second woman gave a sigh of relief when the two walked out of the room.

15.Bart couldn’t understand how some people could be so cruel.

16.The other day, while he was walking to work, he saw three teenage boys tease an old lady.

17.They threw pebbles at her window, and when she opened it, they’d all run away.

18.It was obvious that the old woman was getting nervous and upset.

19.She tried to call the police, but her phone didn’t work.

20.When the boys were tired of taunting her, they began to ring other doorbells and run away.

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