13.12.2021 • 

*EMERGENCY* I have a essay due tomorrow and I was supposed to interview a veterinarian but the tornado messed my meeting up so I couldn’t. I just need someone to write the results, discussion, and conclusion(all separate paragraphs) about what inspires veterinarians and why they chose the careers they chose and what obstacles they face and how they conquer them. If you have any questions just ask me if you don’t understand what I’m saying!

RESULTS: This section is a summary of the results, even if they are not what was hypothesized. Do not include discussion or conclusions about the data. Tell the reader exactly what was discovered and what patterns, trends or relationships were observed. Decide on the most meaningful way to present the data (tables, figures) and refer to them in the text. Data should be able to stand alone in the form of tables and/or figures. Data should not be added after the state level selection as it may alter the discussion and conclusions.
o The Results Section includes:
▪ What happened in the experiment
● It is OKAY if your results are not as expected
● What did you observe?
▪ DO NOT include your conclusions of the data
▪ Include at least 3 different graphs of data to explain (Patterns, Results, Trends, or Relationships)
o DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: In this section, draw conclusions from the results of the study and relate them to the original hypothesis. It is helpful to briefly recap the results and use them as a foundation for the conclusions. If the results were not what was expected, take this opportunity to explain why. Give details about the results and observations by elaborating on the mechanisms behind what happened. Tie the study with the literature, but do not hesitate to offer sound reasoning of your own. Discussion should refer to facts and figures in the results

section and provide recommendations for practice and future research. Discussion and conclusions should also address the impact the research has on the agriculture industry.

For reference this is my first 3 paragraphs

With 62% of all households owning a pet it is no secret that veterinarians are in high demand. In my project i evaluate why veterinarians picked the career they did over others and what it took for them to get where they are today. Veterinarians are the most well known job in the animal industry and their is over 100,000 of them in the united states alone, with their being millions of dogs and cats needing medical attention daily. My purpose of learning more about veterinarians is to spread awareness to how hard their jobs actually are and how
overlooked they are. Veterinarians treat animals small and big including livestock such as cows and horses. They also provide nutritional management to improve the health and wellbeing of the animals without actually seeing them. Veterinary medicine was first practiced in the Middle East around 9,000 BC. Sheep herders treated their animals, including the dogs that guarded their flocks, with primitive medical skills.

Veterinarian treat the injuries of animals, most commonly pets but also farm lifestock, with a variety of medical equipment. This can include surgical tools, x-ray and ultrasound machines. They provide treatment for animals that is very similar to the services physician provides to humans. A veterinarians responsibilities primarily consist of examining animals/pets, diagnosing any medical problems, and treating health ussues such as disease or broken bones. They must also educate pet or animal owners on the proper care and health of their animals. Which can promote better health in the animals. Occasionally, they need to be prepared to euthanize or put down animals. In smithville their are 2 veterinary clinics in a county with over 20,000 people with half of them all owning animals. A veterinarians job is anything but easy and we all should be grateful for what they do for animals everyday.

My material was that i interviewed veterinarians to discuss the difficulties that they have to go through and why they do the work they do.
My study site was a veterinary clinic in tennesee.
For my methods I first started off my experiment by calling a veterinary clinic and making sure it was ok for me to interview them for my project. I then set up a time and date acceptable for me and them. After that i put together a list of questions for me to ask them relating to my project. Later when i have everything ready for me to interview them i met with them and asked them my questions. While interviewing them i voice recorded them and typed down their responses in my computer. When i had all the data i started on the graph of my main question on why veterinarians and vet techs do what they do and what got them to where they are today. After i had all the data recorded, pictures and diagrams made i started on the trifold. I glued it all on it, decorated it, and finally i was finished.

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