16.01.2020 • 

Excerpt from caring for coral reefs
zachary felton
fish, clams, sponges, sharks, and sea turtles are only a few of the thousands of
creatures that call coral reefs their home. many of the plants and fish that live in coral
reefs depend on one another to live and grow. people also depend on coral reefs. the
reefs contain many plants and animals used in medicines, chemicals, or other
products we need to lead healthy lives
which sentence supports the argument that humans should protect coral reefs and would make a good concluding sentence
to the paragraph?
because coral reefs count on humans to be created, humans should be able
to count on coral reefs too.
if humans want to go on enjoying the wonders of sea life, they should
remember other things besides coral reefs.
because humans want to fish and scuba dive, we should protect the
valuable tourist industry by protecting coral reefs.
because humans count on the coral reefs and the sealife they support,
coral reefs should be able to count on humans too.

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