15.12.2021 • 

HELP PLEASE .WRITING TASK Many people are interested in providing food to wild birds. Think about the ideas in BOTH passages. Then write an informational essay in your own words explaining the factors people should consider before feeding wild birds. Be sure to use information from BOTH passages in your informational essay.

please Help Me and here the check list

Writer’s Checklist

Be sure to:

• Introduce the topic clearly, provide a focus, and organize information in a way that makes


• Use information from the two passages so that your essay includes important details.

• Develop the topic with facts, definitions, details, quotations, or other information and examples

related to the topic.

• Identify the passages by title or number when using details or facts directly from the passages.

• Develop your ideas clearly and use your own words, except when quoting directly from the


• Use appropriate and varied transitions to connect ideas and to clarify the relationships among

ideas and concepts.

• Use clear language and vocabulary.

• Establish and maintain a formal style.

• Provide a conclusion that supports the information presented.

• Check your work for correct usage, grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.

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