23.07.2021 • 

Hey!! Who likes Doberman Pinchers and German Shepherds. Check out my new video about Alpha my GS. https://v3.tiktokcdn.com/56379fe07efdd1838e549c9e691a13b3/60fb3e2e/video/tos/useast2a/tos-useast2a-pve-0068/1e8605ef24ac4e31a829b54ff1dc8a0a/?a=1233&br=2934&bt=1467&cd=0%7C0%7C0&ch=0&cr=3&cs=0&cv=1&dr=0&ds=6&er=&ft=Qq8ZcE4T_4ka&l=202107231609400101890720724F246E51&lr=all&mime_type=video_mp4&net=0&pl=0&qs=0&rc=anU6bGxtNWt3NTMzNzczM0ApaTtoaWg4Mzw8NzM0NGY8M2dnL3JpNi5uamBgLS1kMTZzc2EvYV8zNi5iXzRfLy8yYzY6Yw%3D%3D&vl=&vr=
If you want a protection dog like Alpha, Write in the comments and i will get you a dog that will attack anyone you point to. My family raises and trains beautiul attack dogs

Hey!! Who likes Doberman Pinchers and German Shepherds. Check out my new video about Alpha my GS.
Hey!! Who likes Doberman Pinchers and German Shepherds. Check out my new video about Alpha my GS.

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