27.03.2020 • 

How did the environment affect the populations of peppered moths in the 1800s in London?

Question 1 options:

Because of the soot covering everything, the dirtier darker moths will be eaten less often, allowing them to reproduce and pass their genes on to the next generation.

Because of the soot covering everything, the lighter colored moths will be eaten less often, allowing them to reproduce and pass their genes on to the next generation.

The environment did not affect the peppered moths-- the populations are still the same.

Question 2 (1 point)
What was Charles Darwin obsessed with observing?

Question 2 options:



Rollie Pollies


Question 3 (1 point)
Darwin carefully observed the finches of the Galapagos island. What he noticed was that they were similar to the mainland finches, but each island finch has different .

Question 3 options:

colored feathers.

numbers of offspring.

shaped and sized beaks.

colored eyes.

Question 4 (1 point)
In biology, FITNESS is described as the ability to survive and create offspring.

Question 4 options:
Question 5 (2 points)

Natural selection acts on populations through a specific trait. Which statement must be true about that trait?
Question 5 options:

Most forms of the trait have the same impact on survival.

The trait is resistant to mutations.

The trait is passed on genetically to the next generation.

The trait is the same for all organisms.
Question 6 (1 point)
Individuals don't evolve. Natural Selection produces evolutionary change over entire populations over lifespans.

Question 6 options:
Question 7 (3 points)
Which of the following are the different modes of Natural Selection?

Question 7 options:

Directional Selection

Disruptive Selection

Stabilizing Selection

Preferential Selection

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