01.04.2020 • 

Hughes was famous for his lyrical writing. He wrote many poems that were influenced by the rhythm of jazz and blues music. He also often used figurative language to emphasize the themes he wrote about. One example of figurative language is simile. In a simile, the writer compares two different things using “like” or “as.” In “Harlem,” Hughes uses similes to compare “a dream deferred” to several things. Does it dry up “like a raisin in the sun,” a juicy fruit that has become dry and shriveled? He wonders if it stinks “like rotten meat” or forms a crust “like a syrupy sweet.” Maybe it “sags like a heavy load,” becoming a burden on the carrier. These comparisons create vivid images of what an unrealized dream might look like.

Which of the following sentences contain similes?Hughes was famous for his lyrical writing. He wrote many poems that were influenced by the rhythm of jazz and blues music. He also often used figurative language to emphasize the themes he wrote about. One example of figurative language is simile. In a simile, the writer compares two different things using “like” or “as.” In “Harlem,” Hughes uses similes to compare “a dream deferred” to several things. Does it dry up “like a raisin in the sun,” a juicy fruit that has become dry and shriveled? He wonders if it stinks “like rotten meat” or forms a crust “like a syrupy sweet.” Maybe it “sags like a heavy load,” becoming a burden on the carrier. These comparisons create vivid images of what an unrealized dream might look like.

Which of the following sentences contain similes?

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