04.03.2020 • 

I have a book assignment due this thursday (3-3) and need explantion on these 4 quotes from thr book ghost.

- You can't run away from who you are, but what you can do is run toward who you want to be.”

-“Trouble is, you can't run away from yourself." Coach snatched the towel from his shoulder, folded into a perfect square, and set it in the space between us. "Unfortunately," he said, "ain't nobody that fast.”

-“Because for something to make you feel tough, you gotta be a little bit scared of it at first. Then you gotta beat it."

-“He tells me I can set a record one day. A real record. Be one of the world’s great somethings. Maybe.”

Here are the instructions:

I have a book assignment due this thursday (3-3) and need explantion on these 4 quotes from thr book

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