21.05.2020 • 

I need a title and thoughts on this poem!

I’m afraid to show you what’s really going on
I’m scared that you’ll leave me
I don’t think you’d love me after knowing what goes on in my head
Do you think you’ll be able to still hold on to me? Is it worth it?
I’m always downing these pills and constantly hurting myself
I know it tears you apart but why can’t I stop
Your support and love should’ve been all I needed
But somehow, I still claimed it wasn’t enough
I turned away and turned to so many bad things
You weren't able to do anything but watch me destroy myself
Instead of you, I chose these drugs, I chose the alcohol, I chose the blade.
I can’t even begin to tell you how much I wanted to stop
I’m sorry for going beyond myself, I’m sorry for breaking you.
If you would just turn away and leave, you could relieve yourself from this pain
You don’t need to love me, it’s okay. I could never hold it against you, if you chose to leave
Let go of my hand and go on your way, live your life
I don’t want to see you hate yourself for my mistakes.
Thank you for enduring this much, I’m so grateful.
But at the same time, I wish I could’ve been more for you

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