20.05.2020 • 

I start to push him toward the rec room, but he shakes his finger at me.

“Arturo, look at your watch now. I believe your time is over.” He gives me a wicked smile. . . .

I look at my watch and the hour is up, to the minute. I can’t help but think that my abuelo has been timing me. It cracks me up. I walk slowly down the hall toward the exit sign. I want mother to have to wait a little. I don’t want her to think that I’m in a hurry or anything.

—"An Hour with Abuelo,"
Judith Ortiz Cofer

What is Arturo’s abuelo’s perspective toward Arturo’s visit?

He did not care about seeing his grandson.
He was a lonely old man who was desperate for visitors.
He enjoyed sharing his life story with his grandson.
He preferred other residents of the nursing home over his own family.

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