10.12.2020 • 

If some one can give me a 5 sentence summary of this i will mark brainlist Giving a speech to an audience is one of the more formal types of communication.. Preparing a good speech requires extra effort. It is important to carefully craft the speech. In addition, the speaker must use proper presentation skills. The selection of a topic, research, and organization of materials is similar to that of writing an essay. The presen tation skills, however, are completely different. The speaker must choose a speech topic to fit the audience and the occasion. The speech should have a strong introduction. This gets the audience's attention. The body of the speech must be concise and well organized. This helps the audience follow and understand the speech.
. Projection is speaking loudly and clearly. Clear speaking is a necessity. A speech cannot be successful if the audience cannot hear the speaker or cannot understand the words. Volume is of major importance. The speaker must project his or her voice so that everyone in the audience can easily hear...
Diction is another important factor. Diction is speaking clearly. The speaker should make sure to use every sound of the word distinctly. The best way to improve diction is to slow down. Many beginning speakers talk too fast. This is often because of nervousness Another helpful skill in improving diction is to be sure to use all consonant sounds. This is especially true with final consonant sounds. The speaker needs to be sure to use the final "d", "4", and "ing" sounds of words. .
Expression is speaking with an interesting voice. The speaker should use as much vocal range as possible. Vocal range includes using a variety of pitches (high and low sounds). Inflection is another part of expression. It is the pattern of curving or bending the sound of the words in a phrase. In English, we often use a rising inflection at the end of a question. Variety of expression will make the speech more interesting. Without variety, the speaker's voice will become monotonous.
The speaker must have good eye contact. This means looking at the audience. The speaker should use notes rather than writing the speech out. The audience should be "spoken to" not "read to." Eye contact helps the speaker connect with the audience. The audience then feels more a part of the communication.
Good posture helps the speaker give a positive impression to the audience. It helps communicate to the audience that the speaker is confident and has something of interest to say. A speaker should stand up straight but not be rigid. The speaker should keep his or her weight balanced evenly on both feet. The speaker should avoid shifting his or her weight from foot to foot. Having the weight on the ball of the feet, rather than the heels, helps the speaker to appear more involved in the speech..
Speakers should notuse fillers. A filler is a sound or word that creeps into the speech. The most common filler is “ah.” This often fills in a pause between thoughts. “And" or "and ah," and "I mean" or "you know" are other common fillers. The use of fillers can be a difficult habit to break. The speaker needs to listen for fillers while speaking. When the speaker hears them, he or she then must concentrate to leave them out of the presentation. Listening to a recording of the speech is another effective method of becoming aware of using fillers.

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