18.03.2021 • 

Imagine that you want to start a dog-walking business. You have been walking a few neighbors' dogs after school and know that these clients are really happy with your services
and would gladly recommend you to others if you let them know that you were looking for
more work. You are sure that you can increase your business and generate more revenue,
especially if you can pick up more clients along the streets you already walk with several
dogs. However, before you can let everyone know you are starting a business, you need to do
some risk management for the business.
Create a PowerPoint or similar presentation demonstrating that you have considered the
risks. What problems might a dog walker encounter? What risks are involved with this type
of business? What is your plan when they occur? Use at least six slides but no more than 10.
You should identify at least three plausible risks that a dog walker business might face. Each
risk should be placed on its own slide with one or more slides following it explaining how you
would minimize this risk. Make sure that your slides are easy to read, visually appealing, and
free of mechanical errors.

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