29.01.2021 • 

In sentence 6 (reproduced below), the writer is considering deleting the quoted text. However, strong evidence indicates that this event did not inspire the poem “and that the author was in fact Sarah Joseph Hale, not Roulstone.”

Should the writer keep or delete the quoted text?

A.) keep it because it indicates why the story of Roulstone’s composition is described as “charming” in sentence 5.

B.) keep it, because it deepens the discussion in the passage by leading the reader to consider different ways a poem may be inspired.

C.) keep it because it previews the way the rest of the passage will support the thesis about Hale’s authorship with evidence.

D.) delete it because it contains an important information that distracts from the statement of the thesis.

E.) delete it because it contradicts the discussion of Roulstone’s childhood in the first paragraph.

Please help me answer this question ASAP!!!

In sentence 6 (reproduced below), the writer is considering deleting the quoted text.

However, st

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