06.12.2021 • 

In the following argument, each statement is numbered. Read the argument and indicate the role that each statement plays—for

example, premise, conclusion, question, example or illustration, back-
ground information, or reiteration of a premise or the conclusion.

[1] Is global warming a real threat? [2] Or is it hype propagated by
tree-hugging, daft environmentalists? [3] President George W. Bush
apparently thinks that the idea of global climate change is bunk. [4]
But recently his own administration gave the lie to his bunk theory. [5]
His own administration issued a report on global warming called the
U.S. Climate Action Report 2002. [6] It gave no support to the idea that
global warming doesn’t happen and we should all go back to sleep. [7]
Instead, it asserted that global warming was definitely real and that it
could have catastrophic consequences if ignored. [8] For example,
global climate change could cause heat waves, extreme weather, and
water shortages right here in the United States. [9] The report is also
backed by many other reports, including a very influential one from
the United Nations. [10] Yes, George, global warming is real. [11] It
is as real as typhoons and ice storms.

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