21.01.2020 • 

It is difficult to find a healthy relationship with food in a society where all-you-can-eat buffets are almost as popular as tv shows starring actors so skinny they might as well be skeletal. i believe that cooking can people form healthier attitudes and behaviors regarding food. many people choose to eat unhealthy, and often relatively unappetizing, foods due to convenience. making cooking a priority in life is more effective than the common goal of being "skinny" or "athletic-looking." not only does it lead to a more pleasurable experience with food, it also one eat healthier and smaller portions. shopping and preparing ingredients, cooking, and enjoying the product of one's own efforts slows down the entire process of eating. as a result, eating becomes a more thoughtful and aware process, which leads to healthier behaviors. which of the following choices is implied by the premise, “cooking makes eating a more thoughtful and aware process, which leads to healthier behaviors”? cooking is the only way to make one more aware while eating. health is impossible to achieve without cooking. people who eat with awareness will make healthier choices. cooking will a person reach a healthier weight.

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