29.01.2021 • 

Larry Holmes used his boxing dream to improve his life and the lives of those around him. He was born in 1949 and grew up in the small town of Easton, Pennsylvania. He often got in trouble for fighting when he was young. At age 13, Holmes quit school to help earn money for his large family. At age 19, Holmes decided to start a career in boxing. He soon became a sparring partner to Joe Frazier and Muhammad Ali. These famous boxers paid Holmes so that they could gently practice their boxing moves on him before their big fights. Holmes became famous when he won a heavyweight boxing title at the age of 22. Holmes continued to train hard and became one of the most successful boxers of all time. His fierce left jab was his best move. Holmes used this quick move to win many fights over several years. In 1980, Muhammad Ali tried to take Holmes’ heavyweight title. Holmes beat his former boss and many other challengers. In fact, he fought 48 matches in a row without losing a single one. Holmes tried to put the money that he earned from boxing to good use. For him, that meant helping his hometown. Starting with his first boxing paycheck, Holmes spent money improving Easton. His businesses provided jobs to hundreds of his neighbors. For all of his community efforts, his old high school awarded him an honorary diploma. 2 Select all the correct answers. Which two phases from the passage help the reader understand the meaning of the word honorary? awarded him heavyweight champion fought 48 matches first boxing paycheck his community efforts

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