30.04.2021 • 

LOS ANGELES—It's the best drink ever!! According to (volatile, succinct, effusive, austere) makers of the nervous energy drink Pace! the new beverage provides (voracious, equitable,
earnest, languid) consumers, those drinking four or more a day, with the same (ing) (disdain,
reprove, abject, debilitate)'anxiety, restlessness, and (congenial, ancillary, judicious,
manifold)' self-doubts associated with waiting for a phone call from a much-desired but (assuage,
insolvent, capricious, gregarious)s female acquaintance. "Pace! gives you that unique, up-all-night
feeling of dissecting every (recalcitrant, adulate, stellar, cursory) little thing she said last time you
saw her," (flagrant, voracious, hedonistic, gregarious) spokesperson Geraldine Ponzari said at
a press conference Monday. "With this (stellar, iniquitous, vitriolic, indolent) blend of guarana,
ginseng, and
(abject, exorbitant, earnest, bastion) amounts of caffeine, Pacel will have your
heart racing and your hands grabbing for your pockets every time you hear something that even remotely
sounds like a ringing cell phone." Ponzari announced that Pace! is also developing a manic-energy drink,
which will give consumers the feeling of maxing out their credit cards purchasing 400 (gregarious,
capricious, congenial, extraneous) snow shovels at Home Depot.

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