05.11.2020 • 

Mass transit includes any public transportation system that moves many people from one place to another, including subways, buses, and trains. What effect has mass transit had on society? What benefits does it provide for people? What benefits does it
provide for the environment?
In a well-developed essay, explain how mass transit has affected society. Include details and examples to explain your reasoning.
As you write, remember your essay will be scored based on how well you.
• develop a multi-paragraph response to the assigned topic that clearly communicates your controlling idea to the audience
• support your controlling idea with meaningful examples reasons and information based upon your research or readings
• organize your essay in a clear and logical manner, including an introduction body and conclusion.
• use well-structured sentences and language that are appropriate for your audience.
• edit your work to conform to the conventions of standard American English
Use any of the tools available to you, such as theChecklist Spellchecker orGraphic Organizer

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