14.11.2019 • 

Moral dilemma part 3! 50 points!
for full points and brainliest answer respond to the questions in 3-5 full sentences for each question.

"phoebe is a senior and president of the student body. lately she is becoming more and more overwhelmed by her rigorous ap course load and college applications. she has been sick for the past month and has fallen behind in many of her classes. her application to brown university and her ap art history paper are both due on monday. it’s sunday now. phoebe makes a tough decision and plagiarizes the entire section on impressionism on her paper, finishes her application and goes to bed. on monday, phoebe turns in her paper. by lunchtime, phoebe’s ap art history teacher had asked to see her. he quickly realized the fact that a large portion of her paper was plagiarized and confronts her about it. phoebe bursts into tears and explains to him about all the pressures of being sick, taking five ap’s, playing three varsity sports and being president of the student body. brown is her number one choice for college and she felt she had to make a choice. phoebe’s teacher reports to the school honor council. she is very remorseful and volunteers to give a speech to the student body apologizing for what she has done. she also begs the honor council not to write to the colleges that she has applied to, as she has worked so hard throughout her high school career and is applying to the most competitive colleges and universities."

question 1: how would you explain to others the exception that was made for phoebe if others were more severely punished?

question 2: have any of you been in a class where you know someone who cheated and got a higher grade than you? what did you do? would you do the same thing now?

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